八蚌的近代史: 傳承及因緣—我於美國舊金山 KDK 中心管理權交接會議中的談話

2019年6月6日,在美國舊金山Kagyu Droden Kunchab (以下簡稱 舊金山KDK) 中心市區的所在地舉行了管理權交接會議。尊貴的喇嘛Lodu四十多年來一直是舊金山KDK市區中心及閉關中心的常駐喇嘛。同樣,隨著去年已經完成交接由已故的喇嘛Norlha管理的紐約Kagyu Dzamling Kunchab中心,上師金剛持第十二世慈尊廣定大司徒巴完成了把這些由尊貴的第一世卡盧仁波切所建立的中心移交給他的轉世尊貴的第二世卡盧仁波切的工作,結束了上師金剛持對這兩處中心為期三年的短期照護。

舊金山KDK的交接會議與會者包括了第二世卡盧仁波切,喇嘛Lodu,尊貴的Wangchen 仁波切,喇嘛仁千,第二世卡盧仁波切在北美其他中心的常駐喇嘛們,以及舊金山KDK董事會成員們。代表上師金剛持第十二世慈尊廣定大司徒巴出席的則是八蚌行政秘書,尊貴的喇嘛天南。



八蚌法座「勝妙堆聚」的近代史 – 第八世大司徒確吉炯涅全方位復興包括苯教在內的雪域佛教各傳承及教義

就本次會議的主旨而言, 「馬爾巴噶舉」與「香巴噶舉」, 或者說「馬香噶舉」是我們傳承的本源。當然我們可以把從佛陀以降所有的傳承祖師都拿來闡述一番,但對今天的議題來說並不需如此。今天我們的重點就放在這兩個傳承的近代史。我們可以說近300年來的「馬爾巴噶舉」與「香巴噶舉」的歷史皆源於八蚌傳承。第八世大司徒確吉炯涅為復興藏傳佛教所做的貢獻巨大,不光是「馬爾巴噶舉」與「香巴噶舉」,他亦主導雪域佛教十大學術教派與八大實修傳承的存續與復興。除此之外,第八世大司徒在位於東藏的八蚌法座主寺,聖教法輪寺(Thubten Choekorling)復興了所有九乘、十明、以及苯教教義。這就是我們傳承的根源。包括揚希仁波切(指卡盧仁波切的轉世),在座的主持喇嘛們,以及自詡為「馬爾巴噶舉」與「香巴噶舉」的真實追隨者,你們都與八蚌有直接的連結。這是一個不爭的事實,八蚌是我們傳承的根源。



今天在座各位想談香巴。今日的「香巴傳承」源自八蚌的閉關關房 (Tsandra Rinchendra)。這個關房跟八蚌並非互不相干的兩個地方,八蚌閉關關房隸屬八蚌,是八蚌法座的一部分。八蚌閉關關房並非從蔣貢康楚時代才開始啟用、或由他創建的。在他之前,第九世大司徒貝瑪寧傑旺波,更甚至拿第八世大司徒來說,他是第一個大半輩子都在八蚌關房度過的祖師。當然在那之前,關房所在之處也是蓮花生大士的聖地。我們不必追朔到那麼久遠,但我們應該知道蔣貢康楚的佛行事業開展源於第九世大司徒貝瑪寧傑旺波時期。由於第九世大司徒的加持與照護,我們今天才有第一世蔣貢康楚的傳承。今天在座我們是自家人,仁波切跟喇嘛們承擔者引導眾生的責任,所以對此段歷史你們更應當清楚的知道。




這段歷史我由幾個可靠的消息來源處聽過了幾次,其中包括上師金剛持的親教師 Gengen la 以及幾個上師金剛持過去的侍者跟助理,他們都熟知前卡盧仁波切的一生。有一回,前世卡盧仁波切在拉薩應邀給予格魯派僧眾香巴教法的灌頂與教學。在那同時,達賴喇嘛的攝政,格魯派政教方面皆享譽甚高的高階喇嘛熱振仁波切 (Reting Rinpoche) 也正在拉薩夏札仁波切處接受寧瑪派的教授。當問到應從何處接受噶舉派的教授時,夏札仁波切毫不猶豫的推薦了剛好也正在拉薩的卡盧仁波切,熱振仁波切於是派了一組僧眾去延請卡盧仁波切教他噶舉派的法教。當時一世卡盧仁波切已經接到他的根本上師第十一世大司徒貝瑪旺洽嘉波的諭令,要他即刻開始帶領八蚌關房的閉關。因先前已有這樣的派任,卡盧仁波切便去請示也在拉薩附近的第十一世大司徒,並轉告熱振仁波切的請求。當他見到第十一世大司徒時,他的上師示現極其忿怒的外相並嚴厲地告訴他:「不行! 你得立即回八蚌帶領閉關。」


















談到紐約市中心的KDK中心,當揚希仁波切在2018年造訪當地時曾表達自己意欲振興這個由前卡盧仁波切創建的中心。因為紐約KDK中心隸屬於Kagyu Thubten Choling 中的部分資產,中心董事們立即稟告上師金剛持並尋求指示。上師金剛持得知揚希仁波切有這樣的意願後非常高興,他當下指示董事會立即著手辦理移交程序,紐約的KDK中心已於2018年完成移交。

當年在紐約KDK 中心的運作漸入軌道,一切經營都完善之際,喇嘛諾拉對上師金剛持發了個新願。他說上師金剛持身為八蚌首座是如此的殊勝,他發願當供養八蚌首座一個雄偉的美國法座。在Kagyu Thubten Choling 位於上紐約Wappingers Falls 的彌勒中心建造期間,喇嘛諾拉身染重病,他在電話中告知上師金剛持他自覺無法撐到工程完工,上師金剛持當下指示喇嘛諾拉即刻來印度德里。喇嘛諾拉對上師金剛持完全的信任並遵從其建議,立即於隔天動身飛往德里,接受上師金剛持的安排到醫院接受治療,喇嘛諾拉的生命也因而奇蹟般的得以延續,他想親眼看到這個位於紐約的雄偉的八蚌法座完工的心願終於得以圓滿。


接下來喇嘛天南介紹旺遷仁波切與他「小卡盧」暱稱的由來。喇嘛天南提到旺遷仁波切對八蚌傳承的貢獻、與他廣為人知對「紐涅」修持的推廣。身為前卡盧仁波切主要弟子之一,旺遷仁波切不但在西藏各地興建寺廟與閉關中心,他也贊助興建八蚌智慧林法座中的香巴閉關中心。上師金剛持非常期待在不久的將來由他的親教師Gegen la來加持開始首屆香巴閉關。





美國舊金山Kagyu Droden Kunchab中心管理權交接會議中的談話-中文 (PDF)

Surviving to Thriving: A Monk’s Healing Journey from Cancer

VV Lama Tenam’s Talk on June 9, 2019 at Palpung Lungtok Choeling, San Jose, CA, USA

Upon opening the speech, Lama Tenam shared that he decided to give the talk on his cancer journey upon numerous requests from people at different times. So with his good intentions and to encourage people who are currently interacting with cancer, he wanted to use this opportunity to properly share everything in detail. 

It all started at the end of 2013 when he visited California for activities, he got some small infections on the tongue. He was treated with antibiotics by a local doctor and the problem went away in about two weeks. Travel went on and when he arrived in Houston, his tongue nearly doubled in size and there was some blood. Biopsy and report confirmed it to be stage 4 cancer and he was told he had only 6 months to live. 

Lama Tenam stated that normally when people hear cancer, they immediately take it negatively. He said there were two reasons he didn’t act negatively.  The first reason he called it the blessing of stupidity. He thought there are so many sicknesses and cancer is one of them so he didn’t take it seriously. By not knowing much of what cancer is and without much thought, he didn’t get scared. However, the most turning point for him from day one was one essential teaching that Guru Vajradhara Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa repeatedly taught in public.  When negative condition comes to life, normally people say, “Why me?” People come out with many excuses but never accept it.  Guru Vajradhara says that is a very wrong attitude.  Instead of “why me”, we should say “why not me?” Guru Vajradhara also points out that when we say “why me,” we are indirectly saying “why not others?”  Then that is a very bad concept so never do that.  Lama Tenam always keeps this teaching as the core by heart. So when he heard that he had stage 4 cancer and 6 months of life left, he was not scared.  He accepted it happily. By the blessing of Guru, he perceived that the karma ripened at the time in this life when he knew the essence of dharma so he has no hesitation to accept it happily and apply the teaching towards it.

Upon turning the concept to accept negative condition with positive attitude, the next thing Lama Tenam shared is that we should appreciate all the conditions we have.  Speaking of his background story, he is a monk with no family, no relatives and nothing. Holding Nepalese passport as a tourist in America back then, there seemed to have no way for him to be treated.  Yet somehow all conditions were pulled together perfectly. He didn’t go to Houston for cancer. He went there out of genuine care for another dharma brother but ended up being at the best hospital for the type of his cancer. Then a couple he met over a lunch 10 years ago learned about his situation and the husband happened to be a doctor in that hospital.  Through that connection, hope began to look good for him to be treated there.  Next came the problems of expenses and finding the best doctors.  By the blessing of Guru Vajradhara, he got all necessary support. Also by the blessing of the great masters, he got the priority to be treated. Through the connection of the doctor friend who identified the best doctors for surgery, for chemo, for radiation, etc, his medical team were lined up. As a nobody, no family, no financial means but stage 4 cancer with 6 months of life time, yet blessing is so much, he ended up being at the best place, best condition and best doctors. Everything came together perfectly. Thus, this cancer experience gave him the opportunity to recognize the value of things that we have to appreciate what we have.  He dedicated the ability to see such value is through dharma and Guru Vajradhara.   

Lama Tenam shared that he was prescribed the highest dosage for chemo treatment due to the seriousness of his condition.  When he was at the hospital, he saw many people upon hearing from their doctors that they need chemo treatment, their face changed. They could be at stage 1 or 2 but upon hearing chemo, it’s as of they immediately reached stage 4.  Lama Tenam feels one’s negative reaction and acceptance could contribute to more side effects.  For him, he was told about the side effects of chemo but he had the mindset that chemo is to help him, not to harm him so from first round he didn’t experience any single side effect.  In that journey he also learned a lot that the power of mind and the attitude made such a big difference.  He said with negative attitude, people are giving themselves negative treatment already. In that case even with the positive treatment, results can turn negative. 

When Lama Tenam went for chemo therapy, he went happily because no one would disturb him.  He would have his bed setup straight so he could sit up and did his prayer session, normally took two hours. During those days, he recited a lot of Medicine Buddha mantras.  He had the mindset that chemo is the blessing of the Buddha. Nurses came to perform chemo and he thought that was Buddha Medicine. During that time, he really thought the doctors and nurses were part and parcel of the manifestation of Buddha Medicine. He learned that if we have correct views towards the people who treat us, things would turn well.  With this kind of view, the hospital became a temple to him.  During his chemo session, he always dedicated sincerely for all patients going through the same chemo treatment to have positive attitude.  He shared that if healthy attitude is there, even there might be some side effect, it will be less painful due to the power of mind.   

Prior to his operation, the dentist had to come first to pull out his unhealthy teeth. Luckily he had only one on each side.  Next came another doctor to install a feeding tube to his abdominal area. The main surgery took about 10 hours. Afterwards, the fourth doctor took a part of the flesh from his arm for the tongue reconstruction. He was warned ahead of the operation that it was a very difficult reconstruction because there were lots of nerves in the tongue area so they might have to try and try if not lucky.  By the blessing, reconstruction went well in one go.  The doctor also warned him that there was a 75% or so chance that he would lose his voice for the rest of his life.  Again, by the blessing, he is here today delivering a talk. Lama Tenam shared that his doctors were also surprised by the way he handled everything. He told the doctors it’s by blessings. First they couldn’t understand and asked questions but now the doctors are believers.   

Our attitude can change a lot around us.  Lama Tenam shared that we should show positive attitude towards our helpers, doctors, nurses and even patients in the surroundings. The positive attitude affects and makes a big difference.  If our attitude is always positive and healthy to our helpers, they will be happy to help us.  Instead of complaining or acting miserably, if we can apply positive attitude to our family, doctors and nurses, then they will be happy and in turn, we will be happy as well.

Lama Tenam then shared how he determined to become disciplined in life such as with food, exercise, etc upon this incidence.  If we want quality of life, we should learn about it and apply the healthy habitual pattern of eating and movement in our daily basis. That’s what changed him physically and mentally.  

To conclude his speech, Lama Tenam reiterated the three main points leading to the path of victory. For any unfortunate journey we face in our lives, we shall

  1. accept positively: It is not brainwashing. It’s reality.  Not only cancer, whatever happens in our life, even family problems
  2. continue the journey with right concept and right habits  
  3. maintain our discipline of life and quality of life  

Lastly, Lama Tenam dedicated the credit of all his positive journeys in life to Lord Buddha and that Lord Buddha’s teachings continue to now for him to receive is because of his Guru Vajradhara Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa. When he looked at all the good connections and the kindness from each individual who took part in his journey, they all tracked down to the source that is his Guru Vajradhara Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa. Everything is there and possible because of the blessing of his Guru. “If no Guru, who am I,” said Lama Tenam.   

Lama Tenam concluded his talk by a simple dedication of Mahamudra Aspiration Prayer with his pure heart to all the Gurus, specially his Guru Vajradhara Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa, and to every individual involved in his life. May all, particularly the cancer patients at this current time, rejoice the blessings of all enlightened ones. Whatever positivities there are, may they benefit everyone and may anyone interested learn something from his journey.   

