2019 losar
You can see how beautiful this mountain is today. Lots of beautiful snows and clear sunshine. So with this example, I wish – may all sentient beings and including all friends and including myself, become very happy. Happy in a sense, purely happy. Not just temporary happy but ultimately happy. As well as healthy – healthy physically, healthy mentally, healthy speech. So that way our success of our wishes will come true. Because after all, without good health of mental, good health of physical, good health of speech, rest of things will not happen easily. Therefore with the blessing of lineage, may all friends and all sentient beings be happy, healthy, and through that, become prosperity. Prosperity in the wealth materially, but mainly prosperity of the wealth of the spiritual. So that we all will get our ultimate happiness. So that is my simple and sincere wishes to all friends on this New Year day as well as with our healthy body speech mind. Certainly you can make a healthy environment as we can see that is also very important to have a very healthy environment. Lots of tashi delek and sincere prayer to all the friends.
今天在這裡可以看到美麗的山,好多美麗的雪跟澄澈的陽光。以此我祈願一切眾生,包括所有的朋友跟我自己都能快樂,純粹的快樂 ,不僅是暫時的,而是絕對的快樂。還有健康,身體的健康,心靈的健康,語的健康。這樣我們所希求的成功才能實現。因為沒有健康的身語意,很多事情無法成辦。所以藉由傳承加持,希望所有的朋友與一切眾生都能健康快樂,並藉此得到富足,物質的富足,還有更主要是精神上的富足,並這樣得到絕對的富足。除了健康的身語意, 這是我對大家在新年之際的一個簡單誠摯的祝願。還有我們可以營造一個健康的環境。我們知道有個健康的環境是多麼的重要。誠摯祝福大家吉祥如意。